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    Services or Offerings?
    Departments considering an audiovisual equipment update should submit this form.

    Request technical support and hands-on training for campus audiovisual equipment or report equipment outages.

    Information about cellular and pager services.

    Submit to request department printer installation, repair or a consult/price quote.

    Request encryption be enabled for ECU-purchased computers, tablets, thin clients, USB hard drives and flash drives.

    Request a consultation if you are purchasing a technology product or need help determining a technical solution or navigating an upgrade.

    The purpose of the Technology Threshold Assessment (TTA) is to aid ITCS in evaluating the information/data in the system and make the appropriate determination about how to treat the information/data, as required by University, State, and Federal regulations.

    Multimedia Technology Services provides technical support for Telemedicine on the Health Sciences campus, including HIPAA-compliant equipment selection, network requirements, ECU equipment installation and technical training for on-site IT personnel.

    Hardware/OS support for Unix & Linux servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Unix/Linus servers.

    Hardware/OS support for Windows servers. The team also provides best effort support for departments running Windows servers.