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    Services or Offerings?
    Geographic Information System software available through the ECU Download Center.

    Submit this request for each associated protocol or individual who requires a account.

    We record educational events such as lectures, conferences, presentations and special events using video capture technology.

    Submit this request for assistance with Faculty180 activity input, profile or other Faculty180 features.

    Greenphire is a system to track and pay research study participants.

    Submit this request if your department or group requires support or increased storage space on an NAS server.

    Piratedrive is a secure network-attached storage folder available to faculty, staff and students.

    Qualtrics is a browser-based survey software licensed by ECU.

    REDCap is a secure, HIPAA-compliant, web-based application for building and managing online research surveys and databases. Submit this request for a REDCap account.

    REDCap is a secure, HIPAA-compliant, web-based application for building and managing online research surveys and databases. Submit this request for support issues and assistance with data collection instrument development.

    ePirate support, research compliance special projects, and other research analytics requests.

    SAS statistical software licensing available through this request.

    Statistical softwares available for ECU users available through the ECU Download Center.

    Submit this request for assistance with generating reports and vitas in Faculty180.

    This required review ensures your software purchase is accessible based on Section 508 and W3C guidelines.