Available to
Faculty, Staff, Departments
Servers, network attached storage (NAS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices maintained by departments connect to an individual, secured segment of the ECU wired network. These discrete spaces allow users to access offered services while blocking communication within and between other segments of the ECU network.
Network segmentation confines a malware infection to the device’s network space only and reduces the risk of widespread malicious attacks throughout the rest of the ECU network. Additionally, these segments are only accessible from outside ECU through a VPN connection.*
Device Examples
- Department servers. Includes software applications, web servers or file sharing servers not physically hosted in the ITCS Data Center and accessed by department members.
- Network Attached Storage (NAS). A storage device that acts as a backup server or filesharing location for departments. NAS devices must undergo a review process to ensure no mission-critical or sensitive data is stored on the device.
- Internet-of Things (IoT) devices. Devices that are NOT laptops, desktops, tablets or cellular devices that connect to the internet. These devices typically use an internet connection for communication to a software or application that is hosted on a server. Examples include smart meters, JOAN boards, monitoring systems, Smart exercise equipment, etc.
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*Exceptions to outside access are made only when necessary and only on a case-by-case basis.