MyWeb Support


An ITCS technician will respond to support requests during regular operating hours.

 Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081

Submit a Ticket


MyWeb is a self-service option to provide individual HTML web space to faculty, staff and students for hosting academic-related content or research. Creating a website in this web space requires basic knowledge of HTML. There are no programming languages installed on the server. Sites have a 500MB quota.

MyWeb is not intended to be used for hosting private or personal content not directly related to academic work or research. MyWeb is not approved for storing sensitive data.

To create your web space:

  1. Log in to our self-help PiratePanel application at
  2. Choose Create Web Space and agree to the terms and conditions.
  3. Select the type of access, complete the captcha field and click Submit.

If you would like web space that does not require knowledge of HTML, we recommend our WordPress service.

Related Links

Available To

Faculty, staff, students

Related Policies and Guidelines


You are personally responsible for the content of your web pages. Your web pages describe you and your interests to the world. Put some thought into how you want to represent yourself. Always observe the Web Standards and Responsibilities.

Learn More

Web editing software

We recommend using Adobe Dreamweaver to design and maintain your website. Dreamweaver is included in Adobe’s Creative Cloud. Purchasing information is available on the Adobe Products Licensing page.

There are also many free alternatives. View a comprehensive list of HTML editors at Wikipedia.

Helpful info


No fees are associated with this service.

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Related Articles (3)

Choose one of two options to access and manage your MyWeb html website.
Faculty/staff. Set up FTP access to your MyWeb html site using FileZilla.
Students. Set up FTP access to your MyWeb html site using FileZilla.

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