Web Services

Request access or support for WordPress, Siteimprove, MyWeb, URL shortener and other ECU web services.

Categories (1)


Request support for creating online documents and videos.

Services (7)

*Web Services

Services related to our websites, including content management systems and personal websites.

ECU Event Calendar Support

ECU's event calendar, powered by Localist, is the central location to view upcoming events.

MyWeb Support

MyWeb is a self-service option to provide individual HTML web space to faculty, staff and students for hosting academic-related content or research.

Siteimprove Access and Support

Siteimprove assists in maintaining the high quality and accessibility of ECU's website. Complete this request to receive Siteimprove reports for your website or to request help in making the most of Siteimprove's features.

URL Shortener Access and Support

Available to faculty and staff, ECU's URL shortener tool, go.ecu.edu, allows customization of long URLs to a user-friendly format for print, web or social media materials.

WordPress Support

WordPress is ECU's official content management system for college, school and department websites and is also used to house online information for personal and group websites like research, clubs and courses.

WWW2 Website Hosting Support

The WWW2 web server hosts HTML websites for special department projects.