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    Services or Offerings?
    Information about cellular and pager services.

    Conference Now is an audio-only conferencing option available through the dial-in feature of our Cisco telephone system. Submit this ticket to request your account be enabled.

    ECU email is available through the Microsoft 365 subscription. Submit this form to request assistance or a department email account.

    The ECU fax server allows staff, faculty and departments to easily and securely send and receive documents directly through Outlook.

    Request support or repair, a new telephone or line of service, relocation, caller ID update or a line settings change.

    Request a new voicemail account for a new user, report voicemail issues or request help with resetting a voicemail PIN.

    The Cisco Webex Calling feature allows you to add one or more phone numbers to Webex for voice calls, voicemail and contact management through your computer or mobile device. Recommended for those who telework and travel.

    All users. Webex is used for administrative, academic and instructional online communication and conferencing.