ECU Wireless Networks


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 Phone: 252-328-9866 / 800-340-7081

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Eduroam - ECU's primary wireless network

ECU’s primary wireless network, eduroam (education roaming), is a secure and encrypted network connection for your wireless devices. Onboard (register) a device once, and you have wireless access for four years on ECU’s campus as well as wherever eduroam is available.

For example, an NCSU professor who visits the ECU campus can join the ECU eduroam network using their NCSU credentials. Many institutions are now members, including several other UNC institutions. See this US map for current participating institutions.

Eduroam is compatible with the following operating systems: Android, Chrome OS, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows. NOT compatible: Windows mobile, Blackberry and Nokia

Users must have an activated PirateID and verify their identity through Multifactor Authentication (MFA) when onboarding devices, whether on or off campus. See the Related Article, Eduroam Resources List, for tutorials and FAQ. 


  • Faculty, staff and students should onboard each personal mobile device and/or ECU-owned Mac laptop.
  • ECU-owned Windows devices that log into the INTRA domain are already enrolled.
  • ECU-managed multiple user devices should follow the ECU MDM instructions. When prompted, please select the group “ECU Owned Multiple Users.”
  • Visitors with eduroam access from another institution can connect to eduroam using their institution’s credentials.
  • Visitors with no eduroam access or PirateID require a sponsored guest account.


ECU-WIFI is an open, non-secure wireless network at ECU. 

  • Access the internet and other non-secure resources. You must authenticate (log in) with your PirateID each time you connect. It is recommended that eduroam be your primary wireless network connection for cell phones, laptops and tablets.
  • Connect internet-ready devices in residence halls. Examples include smart TVs and other multimedia equipment not supported by the eduroam network service. Register your device to avoid daily authentication.

Guest Wireless 

Network Access for ECU Visitors. Short-term, daily or weekly network access is available for individuals and groups with legitimate, ECU-supported business or academic need who are visiting the ECU campus but have no PirateID. Visitors must be sponsored by an ECU faculty or staff member.

  • Guest accounts are requested and managed through 
  • The guest can send a request for an account to the sponsor, or
  • The sponsor can request the network account.
  • Requests must include the visitor’s first and last name, email address and phone number.
  • After access is granted, the visitor connects to the ecu-guest network.

Related Links

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students, Approved Guests

Related Policies and Guidelines


No fees are associated with this service.

Submit a Ticket

Related Articles (3)

A guest/visitor can request a temporary network account through the portal. All network guests are sponsored by ECU faculty or staff.
Faculty and staff can follow these steps to request and manage a temporary network account for an ECU guest. All network guests are sponsored by ECU faculty or staff.
Article list for eduroam network. Connect your Android, Chromebook, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows device.