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FAQ - OneDrive Cloud Storage

Jump to a section: General | Setup | Storage | Sharing & Collaboration | Sync | Mobile | Office Online General What are the benefits to using OneDrive? 5TB of storage for ECU users; 100GB

FAQ - Microsoft Teams

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers Choose a category and jump to the answer. Access/Create How do I access Microsoft Teams

FAQ - Webex Troubleshooting

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket Does Webex work if my computer is behind a firewall? How do I test my Internet connection speed? What

FAQ - Student Computers

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket Computer questions frequently asked by students. Click a category to jump to answers

FAQ - Messaging

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket Is the Outlook desktop app part of the Microsoft 365 Office downloads? I'm having an issue with Outlook

FAQ - DocuSign and Formstack

Jump to a section: General Information | DocuSign | Formstack   General Information What are DocuSign and Formstack? DocuSign and Formstack are electronic tools designed to simplify manual

FAQ - Poll Everywhere Audience Response

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket Is Poll Everywhere available to everyone at ECU? Do participants need to register to participate in a


IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket How do I post a message to the list? How do I remove my email address from Announce? How do I turn off

FAQ - Pirate Print Student Printing

Are faculty and staff allowed to print in computer labs? Are refunds given to students if there's a balance at the end of the semester? Can I submit a print job from my mobile device? Can I

FAQ - Canvas Instructors

IT Service Desk 252-328-9866 | Pirate Techs Technology Support Centers | Submit a Ticket See these questions for instructors from instructors. Canvas Accounts Can

FAQ - REDCap Online Research Surveys

How can I make changes to a survey that is already in production status? How do I cite REDCap? Is there a recommended browser for accessing REDCap? One of my collaborators is unable to see

Import Webex Meeting Recordings into Panopto

Overview Panopto users can opt-in to have Webex Meetings they host automatically imported into Panopto. This article provides information and steps on how to enable this option in your Panopto

FAQ - Audiovisual

How can I connect my laptop to the projector or other display? Should I shut down the computer when I am finished? What equipment is available? Who do I contact if I need help?   How

FAQ - Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)

Which publisher LTI tools are available in Canvas? Where can I search for LTI tools? When are new LTIs installed? What if an LTI is not approved?   Which publisher and LTI tools are

FAQ - Canvas Studio

Record & Manage Media How long can I record? Can failed recordings be recovered? Can deleted media be recovered? Uploading Why did my file fail to upload? Embedding Media in