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Services or Offerings?
Follow CET's approval process when purchasing new IT software and technology.

ECU’s technology purchase process ensures that procurement of all IT equipment, software, Internet of Things devices and services (including cloud services) follows a process of request, guidance, review, then approval.

Request a consultation if you are purchasing a technology product or need help determining a technical solution or navigating an upgrade.

Request installation and repair for ECU-managed computers, clinic support, purchase consultations and computer surplus pickups.

This required review ensures your software purchase is accessible based on Section 508 and W3C guidelines.

Required when purchasing hardware and/or software to ensure compliance with sensitive information guidelines and policies.

Request encryption be enabled for ECU-purchased computers, tablets, thin clients, USB hard drives and flash drives.

Submit for installation of department-purchased Microsoft Project or Visio software as well as Microsoft Visual Studio.

Request a software license transfer or an installation, re-installation, repair of department-purchased software or your computer's operating system.

Campus departments who are interested in purchasing/renewing any software, hardware or services which involvement the processing or payment cards, contracting with a vendor to provide services which include the processing of payment cards, or would like to implement/alter business operations which involve the processing of payment cards should complete this form. The PCI Compliance Committee review requests at their monthly meeting. Do NOT make any changes or sign any contracts until PCI approval has been granted.

For one-time incentive payment of $50 or less to an individual in a calendar year or participant payments for which the research protocol costs, or technical issues preclude the use of Greenphire debit cards, you must enter your information into this Greenphire Exceptions Request site.

NOTE: If gift cards are your payment solution, before you purchase any cards, you must first obtain an approved Authorization for the Purchase of Gift Cards/Gift Certifications, Incentives, or Prizes form. This form and instructions can be found in the Guide to Materials Management on Materials Management's webpage.

ECU-managed computers only. If you suspect your work computer is infected with a virus or other malware, submit this form for help.

Submit this request to the Office of the Registrar for approval to host (store) FERPA data.

Licensing for Adobe Creative Cloud suite of graphic design, video, photography and web development applications plus Adobe Acrobat Pro information.

Microsoft Intune helps users balance data access with data security on a mobile device.