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Services or Offerings?
Build highly-tailored, low-code apps to modernize and automate your processes using pre-built templates, drag-and-drop simplicity and quick deployment. Submit this request for help using Power Apps.

Access the ECU directory, campus maps, the course catalog, East Carolinian news, sports, campus events and more!

Request assistance or report an issue regarding Canvas, Studio or other Canvas app.

Faculty, staff, students. Request support for Microsoft 365 Teams, OneDrive, and other MS365 apps in a research or administrative environment.

The PointSolutions system provides interaction for student engagement and active learning through a physical device or free mobile app.

Create surveys, quizzes and polls using the Microsoft Forms app available through your ECU Microsoft 365 subscription.

ECU email is available through the Microsoft 365 subscription and includes email, calendar, contacts and more. See this service's related articles to learn more details. Submit this form to request assistance or a department email account.

Submit this request if your department requires an ECU-managed iPad or Android tablet be configured for a single user or multiple users.

Microsoft Intune helps users balance data access with data security on a mobile device.

Microsoft Teams is the hub for collaboration and integrates the people, content and tools you need to be engaged and effective.

Microsoft's OneDrive is ECU's approved cloud storage solution for students, faculty, and staff.

Licensing for Adobe Creative Cloud suite of graphic design, video, photography and web development applications plus Adobe Acrobat Pro information.

Faculty and students. Submit to request a consultation using Microsoft Teams, Teams Meetings, OneDrive, Bookings and Yammer in an instructional environment.

All users. Webex is used for administrative, academic and instructional online communication and conferencing.

Explanation of the process to request a Banner ID for an unpaid affiliate.