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Articles (9)

DNAStar Lasergene

DNAStar is a sequence analysis software for molecular biology research, genomics and protein analysis. Only available through departments who pay the license fee.

GraphPad Prism

GraphPad Prism is a 2D graphing and statistics software for Windows and macOS.


JMP desktop statistical software uses a structured, problem-centered approach to analyze data on Windows, Mac and Linux. The interface automatically displays graphs from stats so that users can discover data patterns more easily.


Computational software used in scientific, engineering and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing.


MATLAB allows engineers and data scientists to work with large amounts of data in a variety of formats such as sensor, image, video, telemetry, databases and more.


This general-purpose statistical software is designed for easy interactive use. Minitab is well suited for instructional applications, but is also powerful enough to be used as a primary tool for analyzing research data.


NVivo is used for qualitative and mixed-methods research and assists you with organization and analysis of non-numerical or unstructured data.


SPSS is a software package used to edit and analyze interactive, batched or statistical analysis. This software is used for the management and statistical analysis of social science data as well as health sciences and marketing.


Amos is a special purpose statistical add-on software package that estimates structural equation models (SEM) for manifest and latent variables. Its point-and-click interface makes it easy to learn and use, but a fairly high level of statistical sophistication is required to take advantage of all features.